Mason Hall at The Ohio State University
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On the weekend of October 27th - 29th 2005, HBSA attended the National Hispanic Business Conference held at the Wyndham Greenspoint Hotel in Houston, Texas. The 13 members that made the travel immersed themselves in workshops sponsored by corporations such as Ford, Target, and the home sponsor, Houston Shell Oil Company. The award for the NHBA Northern Region Representative of the Year was given to Ray McCollum.

On May 24th, 2006, The Office of Minority Student Services held its 5th Annual Diversity Award Program at the Blackwell Hotel, located inside the Fisher College of Business campus. Local student organizations represented were the A sian Business Student Association (ABSA) , Black Masters of Business Administration Association (BMBAA), Council of Black Students in Administration (CBSA), Hispanic Business Student Association (HBSA), National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), and Out in Business. The following recipient of the Diversity Leadership Award was Daisy Ordoñez, the Diversity Perseverance Award went to Ray McCollum, and the Diversity Service Award went to Sarai Ramirez .